What started as an assignment in an undergraduate management class turned into a trilogy of books about Young Professionals in the workplace. Chip has moved the discussion about Young Professionals to effective conversations with Young Professionals. Perhaps the greatest compliment to his body of work is that the reading can be applied immediately after the turn of each page.
All of Chip’s books are research and solution based. Chip’s desire has been to help create work environments in which all generations can thrive.

Managing the Millennials
Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Today’s Workforce Second Edition details what differentiates effective from challenged managers when it comes to managing a younger workforce. The book details nine competencies needed to successfully manage Millennials. The competencies work with all generations but they are exponentially important when working with younger workers.

The 7 Skills Every Twenty-Something Needs To Achieve Greatness At Work outlines the challenges Millennials report to face when transitioning into the workforce and what to about them. Chip shares 7 skills that can help younger workers overcome the roadblocks they face while launching their career.

Millennials Who Manage
How To Overcome Workplace Perceptions and Become A Great Leader delves into the trials Millennials face when they move into management and how they can overcome perceptions like being inexperienced or immature. Chip’s writing motivation was to give back to the generation that inspired him and gave him so much—the Millennials.
If you are interested in going beyond an anecdotal discussion about Millennials, Chip gives a theoretical framework for discussing generations in the workforce.
- Chip Espinoza’s Dissertation – Millennial Integration
- Presented at University of New Mexico Mentoring Institute Conference – Mentoring Millennials (pdf)
- Interpersonal Boundaries in Teaching and Learning – New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 131
- Leader to Leader Journal – Core Competencies for Leading Today’s Workforce
Need inspiration for that next meeting or a thought to spark your management genius? Check out Chip in the following periodicals.
- The Human Factor Magazine – 3 Part Series on Leading Change